Monday, March 23, 2009


ive sold my D40+kit lens. i shoot analog now.
its time for upgrade. but im financially restricted.

what you see above, they are no longer with me.

hopefully, i can produce better pictures with films.


Doc said...

What analog camera are you using now?

Azizul Zulzaha said...

an F5

Hafiz Hanif said...

huih, why resort to analog?

Your Average Mat said...

he's going to the artistic side of photography.. which s darkroom processing. hehe..

hey, f5 is automatic. :P

bakrihafizhisham said...

F5 is not considered an analog.
analog are cameras that can work without batteries. it requires you to wind it using your thumb or whatever finger, and to manual focus, set the aperture and shutter speed using knobs and whatnot.

f5 is a film camera

happy shooting

Azizul Zulzaha said...

manual film, and manual mode, its manual, only i got built in light meter. haha...